A Note Of Love To All Babies Murdered by Mr. Tiller

My heart is saddened at the news of the murder of Mr. Tiller, and for the family he left behind. I do not condone murdering anyone, however, there are the thousands of innocent babies who were murdered by his evidently heartless procedure of Late Term Abortion.  These babies were viable and could very well lived outside the mothers womb. These little ones suffered untold pain as different horrible procedures were used again and again to help the mother in her distress. 

These were  little people inside the mothers womb, why do they have no rights, only the mother?  My heart also is broken for the mothers who do feel sorrow and remorse over their decision. I have worked in the Pro Life field for years and have spoken with many women who have made heartfelt remarks and regretted their decision to abort at any trimester, and most certainly the Late Term Abortion.  
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