Drop the 50 Mile Radius Rule!

We, the fans and drivers, ask UMP to reconsider the 50 mile radius rule in order to make promoters do just that, promote. Where we watch racing or race should be decided by our likes and dislikes, not your rules that restrict cars to certain tracks on certain nights. Many drivers are forced to race tracks they dislike for points when there are tracks within 50 miles that they prefer. But due to your restrictions, they are forced to race non points races or race an unfavorable track. It has been offered to a few tracks, only to be taken away when certain people complain. If it is stated to a promoter that sanctioning be granted, that should be the final word.
The fans and drivers of Central Illinois ask that you abolish the 50 mile radius rule so that we can watch and race at tracks of our choice and liking. We are tired of certain promoters pulling power moves and forcing us to race where we would otherwise choose not to.
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