Life Sentence for Aggravated Robbery on a First Offense.

we the undersigned are asking that a full pardon is granted for Boris Lamar Davis by Govenor Mike Beebe. Boris has served 16 1/2 years of a Life sentence for aggravated robbery on a first offense. We strongly believe that the time a person serves must fit the crime. Boris Davis has served his time and has earned his freedom. 

You can also contact Govenor Beebe in support of Boris Lamar Davis at: State Capitol Room 250 Little Rock, AR 72201. Thank you and God Bless.

Dear Governor Beebe:

Re: Pardon for Boris Lamar Davis

This a letter to show the support of a full pardon for Boris Lamar Davis (ADC# 103248).  Mr. Davis is currently serving a life sentence in prison for a first offense charge of aggravated robbery. He has served 16 1/2 years to date and has paid his dues.

Mr. Davis was sentenced on 02/28/1994 for this offense upon being found guilty by a jury for his participation in an aggravated robbery of a convenience store. He was 20 years old and had low expectations of his life. The crime he committed was a reflection of his attitude during that time. After receiving his sentence he shortly learned that he was the father of  his first and only child.

During his incarceration, Mr. Davis has and continues to communicate with his daughter  by mail. She is now 16 years old and a college bound honor roll student. He constantly reminds her that she can do anything if she puts her mind to it. His daughter gives him a reason to live, a new outlook on life and an inward look into himself. He began to think about how to right the wrong he had done.


Mr. Davis is now 38 years old and has shown his reform through his behavior and attitude. He cannot change what he did 16 1/2 years ago, however, he has paid his dues for the crime committed. Boris Lamar Davis deserves to be granted full pardon.

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