Get Paul and Rachel Chandler home!

 To whom it may concern,

We, the undersigned have signed this petition in hopes of bringing Paul and Rachel Chandler, who were kidnapped by Pirates, home safely.

We feel more should be done to ensure their safe return and that this has played out for far too long.

These two people are not simply hostages. They are someone's family.

We urge you to reconsider your strategy and not let these two innocent people die in vain.

Thank you for your time,

The undersigned
To Mr. Miliband,

We, the undersigned have signed this petition in hopes of bringing Paul and Rachel Chandler, who were kidnapped by Pirates, home safely.

We feel more should be done to ensure their safe return and that this has played out for far too long.

These two people are not simply hostages. They are someone's family.

We urge you to reconsider your strategy and not let these two innocent people die in vain.

Thank you for your time,

The undersigned
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