Aziza Al-Tawil and her mother Johanna were ridiculed by staff of the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC over Johanna's allergy to pork and pork derivatives when Aziza expressed concern over effects from a particular drug made from pork. There were also comments made about Johanna and Aziza's "multi-ethnic" background.

A short time later Johanna cried all night and wailed "I'm so depressed!" after a nurse's aide bullied Johanna and Aziza over diarrhea from a tube feed. Johanna was already suffering from "Hospital Acquired Pneumonia" and was so pitiful they decided to complain about the nurse's aide to make sure she never came in the room again.

Aziza and Johanna were so uncomfortable they did ask to transfer to  Forsyth Hospital. They were told, "That's our rival." No one would help them to transfer and a conspiracy by hospital administration to remove Aziza from Johanna's medical decisions had already begun. After a nurse bullied and terrorized Johanna in the ICU over a swollen arm and blood pressure cuff, Aziza asked for a "patient rep"-but this time was denied! Aziza was instead removed from her mother's medical care and even denied visitation or phone calls. "What if my mother is dying and I'm not by her side?" Aziza asked in agony. "Don't worry. We'll send someone in to hold her hand." a doctor replied callously.
Aziza made frantic phone calls for days trying to get through to her mother.
Hospital staff even bullied Aziza by saying they would tell her mother her daughter wouldn't be able to bring her her favorite music cd again and that if her "mother wanted to speak to her she would dial the numbers herself!" Aziza cried, "But my mother is too sick to dial the numbers!"  

In the meanwhile, no other family members or friends could get through either and at one point Aziza was even told that "Johanna White is no longer in this hospital" setting off a frantic search through law enforcement agencies. Aziza was so terrorized by this hospital that she even thought her mother could be in a garbage can somewhere. After this "charade," the hospital had to admit that Johanna was still in their facility.

Aziza almost died herself when a doctor called her to say that they had given Johanna a drug called "Ultram" and that Johanna was dying. Johanna had almost died from a bad reaction to that drug a few weeks earlier. "You should have known not to give her that drug! It almost killed her before. If I had been there I wouldn't have let you give it to her!" Johanna's will to survive was strong though.

Unbeknownst to Aziza, the Baptist Hospital drew up a phony "competancy test" while they were holding Johanna hostage. Aziza told the hospital, tell you what, "I'll settle with you out of court." Later that day the hospital filed for a "guardianship" of Johanna with the county. On January 26th, a court in Winston-Salem, NC gave Johanna an "Interim Medical Decision Guardian" and Aziza was stripped once again of her "Next of Kin Rights."  The next day, Aziza called in and demanded that the county of Forsyth go in and remove Johanna once and for all from the "Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center." She told them that they did not file the guardianship until she mentioned to them "Settling out of Court." This proved that Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center only thought of Johanna as a pawn in a "malpractice" suit.

Later that day, January 27th, 2012, Tammy J. Sullivan of "Adult Protective Services" had Johanna White removed from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and moved to a safe location to re-habilitate. On Tuesday January 31st, Aziza and Johanna re-united for the first time in almost 3 weeks. Johanna cried, "Oh, I was so lonesome!" as she gripped her daughter's arm. Johanna recounted the brow beating she took from hospital staff-being told lies that her daughter didn't want to "fool with her anymore." Then in a touching video for Youtube, Johanna proudly exclaims, "I got my baby back!"

Now, after all this torture, it has been determined by the re-hab center doctor that Johanna was misdiagnosed and given the wrong medication by the Baptist Hospital from day one! Johanna had a stroke and was not only bullied and brow beaten by the Baptist Hospital, denied access to her beloved only child, but was short changed on medical care and lost precious weeks to their slipshod and unethical practices which violated civil rights/liberties, "Patient's Bill of Rights," and malpractice laws too.

Now, unless the case is dismissed, Aziza may lose Johanna permanently if, at a hearing on March 8th, "International Women's Day," it's decided to make Johanna a permanent "Ward of the County." If Forsyth County does this it will be a blatant attempt to protect the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, a revered local institution and will deny the rights of Aziza and Johanna to seek damages for the abuse, trampling of their civil liberties, and the egregious "malpractice."

Aziza, a native of New York City, was brought up by Johanna to speak her mind. They gathered names for many petitions together.

Tell Forsyth County to dismiss this unbelievable case at once and protect the loving and sacred bond of this mother and daughter as well as their rights to "renumeration" for "damages incurred" by this atrocious hospital!

We the undersigned ask that you take a stand against elder abuse, civil rights/liberties and "Patient's Bill of Rights" violations and medical malpractice cover-ups and dismiss at once the shocking and outrageous case to make Johanna White a ward of Forsyth County, NC against the wishes of her loving family including her daughter.

                                                                     Thank You

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