No more  bears skin hats!

No More Bearskin Hats!

We all know that hats are lovely  there are big ones, small ones, some as big as your head  but theyre not quite so lovely when theyre made out of the fur of bears. Yes, those silly hats which the Queens Guards wear are made from the fur of Canadian black bears. These bears suffer agonising deaths when they are shot or when they bleed to death in traps, and they sometimes leave behind nursing cubs who then starve to death. I mean, really have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? They are killing bears  for hats!

PETA is asking the queen and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to switch to a cruelty-free synthetic material for the hats, but while the queen and MoD are discussing it, bears are still being killed. This is where you can make a difference! We need you to get behind this campaign and spread the word so that we see an end to this cruel tradition. Here are some ways for you to help save the Canadian bears from their miserable ends and earn some free stuff for yourself for your trouble! You have to be a member of the Street Team to earn that free stuff, of course. So if you haven already, sign up now and start reeking havoc in the UK!

To help you with your efforts, please request free campaign materials here and feel free to e-mail with any questions.

We the undersigned ask the queen and the Ministry of Defense to stop using bear skins for their hats. Killing these awesome animals to wear is truly wrong and must be stopped now. Please listen to those that care about all animals and switch to cruelty-free synthetic materials for the hats.
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