Stop Carte Blanche Stealing Designs!

In recent times, Carte Blanche have been producing copyrighted designs made by there fans back in March for there My Blue Nose Friends collectables. I have contacted them saying about it, and they say it is just a coincidence.
I am making a petition for this as I am the designer for Feathers, I drew him back in march, with the exact name, colours, design and I even made it a limited edition, all of these currently show in there design selling across the countries. Other peoples ,who asked me to design there ideas, designs have also been stolen! Carte Blanche are producing these without asking the designers, without giving credit, not even bothering to send the designers the own product!! 
We aim to give what Carte Blanche couldn't be bothered to, Credit! Credit for the peoples who designs have been stolen and made illegally by Carte Blanche. We thank you for supporting this and resquest that you send this petition to all your friends to make this possible!
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