Support Paco, the cat lover!!!

Paco, a Cadiz citizen (Spain) is due in court tomorrow (December, 14th). His unforgivable crime? Feeding feral and abandoned cats.

This dedicated cat lover has devoted his time, love and effort to these felines for years. As many animal activists in Spain, he's been regularly disparaged, humiliated and boycotted by insensitive neighbours unable to understand his dedication. Nevertheless, despite his difficult financial situation and the hostility of the environment, Paco never gave up or missed an appointment.  He always managed to feed his adored cats.

A few months ago things got worse for Paco. He was fired for housing a cat and her kittens at his workplace (he used a small room for a few days). He only wanted to keep them safe from the uncountable dangers of the street. (Is that a serious reason for firing somebody?).

Cadiz recently approved an ordinance that would fine people for feeding feral cats (ironically, no one is fined for abandoning animals like objects). Lately police officers have been pretty busy in Cadiz insulting, harassing and fining criminals such animal lovers (other crimes, notwithstanding go unpunished). But the thought of sick, innocent cats dying of starvation in the dead of winter was simply devastating for Paco. He just couldn't abandon them. Unfortunately, the fine for his offense will probably be astronomical.

How surreal a situation can get? This is Spain, ladies & gentlemen. Apparently, having a heart of gold is either illegal or frown upon whereas killing and torturing animals is overlooked or ridiculously fined.

I can't find the words to describe how ashamed of my country I feel once more.

Each and every word is an understatement. The absurdity of fining (and humiliating) a person for the only moral imperative possible is beyond description.

On behalf of all the animal activists in Spain, I ask you to support Paco, the role model. We are running out of time. Please, sign & share this petition, but it's crucial that you send an e-mail adding a link to this petition NOW (subject: I support Paco, the cat lover). You can also post your own comment! to:

the Mayor 

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Thank you very much!
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