Taiwan Military Abuse of Animals

This was a news story in Taiwan about two anonymous soldiers(their appearances are very clear in the video) from the Department of Defense of Taiwan abusing a stray dog and recording it into video tapes , putting those horrible videos on the famous on-line album in Taiwan called wretch by using on-line ID %u201Cz0916280781%u2033, this video was later removed .

The video is too horrible to see, there are people saying that the two soldiers were very excited and enjoyed abusing the dog, they  laughed and laughed all the time in this self-made video , and claimed that it was like playing those on -line games.

The dog was very emaciated- the skin on back was peeled and he was hung- beaten and killed.

The Taiwan Department of Defense didn't find who the two soldiers were , but actually the two soldiers faces were clear in the video. The Defense department didn't want to bother themselves.

This kind of news happens frequently in Taiwan and involves military people..

Many other people who were in the military saw it, but couldn't stop the soldiers (that were higher ranking) from abusing, beating and killing the dog. Some people even practiced their baseball skills with several newborn puppies-(treating them as the baseball tossing them up and hitting them with baseball bats). When the mother dog attempted to rescue her pups- she was beaten to death too.

This ongoing abuse continues because there is no punishment- that is obvious!  Please- make them aware of how the military spends their free time and they are being watched. 




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