This petition is asking that the United States Congress enact a law that requires criminals that are convicted of violent crimes against children to serve the entire sentence imposed on them in a court of law.

We, the people of the world, come to you, the United States

Congress, asking that you assume a leadership role for the world,

in the protection of and justice for our children.

We do appreciate, and realise the significance of, the Protect Act

Law, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush

in 2003, as well as The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety

Act in 2006. We feel it is a shining example for the rest of the world

to follow.

We are asking you, The United States Congress, to go a step

further. We would like to see a new Federal Law enacted that

would ensure that any criminal that commits a violent crime

against a minor child, be required to serve their entire prison

sentence, without any reduction allowances for any reason, other

than a direct violation of said person's Constitutional Rights.

There is a high percentage rate of criminals convicted of a violent

crime(s) against a child for reoffending, and/or for getting out of

prison when only serving a fraction of the sentence imposed upon


We would like to cite a few examples:

* 12-year-old Shanda Sharer, (New Albany, Indiana),

murdered(burned alive), raped and tortured for 10 hours by 4 other

teen girls, in 1992. 2 have been released early from prison, 1 was

the girl that poured the gasoline on the body of Shanda to burn


* 7-year-old, Megan Kanka (Hamilton, New Jersey) murdered by a

convicted sex offender who lived across the street from her home.

* 12-year-old, Brooke Bennett, murdered by her uncle, a 2 time

convicted sex offender, in 2008. Twice released early from prison.

* Jetseta Gage, who was 10 years old, was kidnapped, sexually

assaulted, and murdered in 2005, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Crimes against children have increased in the past decade, child

prostitution and slavery are rampant across the globe, the average

age of a prostitute in the United States of America is now

13-years-old and countless children are beaten, raped and

murdered within the USA's own borders.

We implore you, the most powerful group of people in the world, to

continue your fight for our children's safety and give them and

their families the justice they deserve. Protect their rights and

enact a law that will require those that commit violent crimes

against our children to serve the entire sentence imposed on them

by a court of law.

It is an inspiring event when the United Nations addresses the rights of victims. We speak for the children, that can no longer speak at all, and the children living each day with the horrors they have endured in their short lives.

%u201CVictims should be treated with compassion and respect for their

dignity. They are entitled to access to the mechanisms of justice

and to prompt redress, as provided for by national legislation, for

the harm they have suffered.%u201D
%u2013 U.N. Victims Declaration, paragraph four

Give these children, and their families, the peace of mind and

justice they deserve. Please, remember the victim's rights.

Thank you, and God Bless America for her example and leadership.

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