Demand that two of the oldest Black owned Businesses stay on 5th. Ave.

Tabeel Aromatherapy Gifts and Imani House located on 5th. Ave. Brooklyn have been served a 30-day vacate notice. These two businesses have been on 5th. Ave for a quarter century. Tabeel has never been contacted by anyone from FAC prior to receiving the vacate papers.

This building was suppose to be for low-income families (upstairs) and women in business at the street level. Both Tabeel Aromatherapy Gifts and Imani house have brought services and diversity to a neighborhood that was in the dumps when they decided to take a chance and establish businesses on 5th. Ave. What has changed? The perception that The Barclay Center will flood the area with money.

FAC can make huge profits if they get rid of these two small businesses, even though they are a nonprofit entity. We have established our businesses on 5th. Ave. for over 20 years and deserve the right to remain in this neighborhood that we helped to uplift.

FAC's Mission: "To advance economic and social justice in South Brooklyn through affordable housing and community facilities...Combating displacement caused by gentrification." We are left puzzled by their actions on this because it goes contradictory to THEIR mission.

Update #18 years ago
We're happy to report the eviction is off the table! But the petition will remain open as FAC is now asking to take 70 sq. feet away from our already-small store spaces. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much to everyone who signed this petition. We are overwhelmed by all the signatures and support. Please share the petition on Facebook to continue to support us as we fight to maintain our businesses' integrity:
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