Mandatory Nationwide Spay/Neuter for all dogs and cats who are solely companion animals

  • by: Jane Williams
  • recipient: President Obama,Vice President Biden, House of representatives, U.S. Senators

 Our pets are living, breathing, loving beings. With a heart that beats. They should not be disposed of in a shelter to be put to death only because some one bought them on a whim and didn't think out the whole process of being responsible for another life for years to come.

 Before breeding more pet quality animals for pure profit we need to adopt from shelters and rescue from abuse situations. no one NEEDS a puppy or a kitten. Almost all age pets are adoptable. The ones that aren't adoptable need to have a sanctuary for. I believe this can be achieved when the shelters no longer kill.

Update #110 years ago
We have a long way to go. Please share one more time. Dogs and cats are being put to death in inhumane ways . We can make it stop. Blessings to you for believing we can make this happen.
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