Stop the Dog & Cat Meat Festivals and Slaughter Houses

  • by: Cheryl Hester
  • recipient: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Over 10,000 dogs are skinned, boiled, burnt and dismembered alive in slaughter houses for the yearly dog meat festival in China, Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Phillipines, Thailand and Indonesia. These atrocities continue as you read this petition. Some dogs and cats are bred for the purpose of torturing and eating, while others are stolen family dogs/cats and animals, snatched up, off the streets.

Above is a picture of a stolen golden retriever, who was skinned alive, beaten and hanged to tenderize the meat. Here are images of the brutalities:

Dogs and cats are regarded as family in Canada. We want our children (dogs and cats) off the menu.

Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau - Canada cannot be a bystander, we need to do our part to stop these atrocities. Stricter Animal Welfare Laws and education is key, which needs to be communicated to the governments of these countries.

We are guardians of the earth, which entails taking care of the planet and the animals. Canada please stand up against these killings, and do your part to save the animals.

Sign this petition to help put an end to the Dog and Cat Meat Festivals in China, Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Phillipines, Thailand and Indonesia!

Update #28 years ago
DOG/CAT SLAUGHTERS CONTINUE AS YOU READ THIS: Will you be their voice and advocates?

Here is what you can do:
- BOYCOTT China, South Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Phillipines
- Stop outsourcing jobs to these countries
- Stop exporting animals to these countries to be slaughtered
- Demand for change to the Animal Welfare Laws in your respective countries and world-wide
- Adopt or sponsor a dog from these countries
- Support agencies on the ground saving these animals
Update #18 years ago
DOG/CAT SLAUGHTERS CONTINUE AS YOU READ THIS: Will you be their voice and advocates?

Here is what you can do:
- BOYCOTT China, South Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Phillipines
- Stop outsourcing jobs to these countries
- Stop exporting animals to these countries to be slaughtered
- Demand for change to the Animal Welfare Laws in your respective countries and world-wide
- Adopt or sponsor a dog from these countries
- Support agencies on the ground saving these animals
Sign Petition
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