Make Snaffles illegal In Canada !

  • by: Helen Palacios
  • recipient: All Premiers in Canada & Prime Minister Stephen Harper +RCMP Horse Division

   Welcome to our modern and more humane country that is trying to shake the bonds of animal torture simply for sport.Times changed from proper animal training (by the natives-who never seemed to need the snaffle.hmmm...) to "more barbaric " in stlye ..what do you call it?

A classic Dee Ring snaffle 

   Lets show the world we donot need to metalize. squeeze , yank, chafe inside cheeks, pinch tongues and be dominant in excessive control.

   I donot honestly believe any veternarian (dentisit) would ever recommend a piece of metal chomped on for an animals entire life- plus it always costs money.

   How about they go green by getting rid of them (recycle them) and help to keep some metals in the ground.

   Like a dog an animal can be trained simply to respond to your voice command or even your foot slightly touching either side for a direction response.Oh I know how about whistling.Really !!

    Oh please also donot shave off their whiskers ..they need them.Thanks

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