Justice for Emaciated Dogs Found in Pennsylvania Home

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Prosecuting Attorney Daniel G. Padden

Several dogs were found living in a home amidst their own urine and feces. The animals were reportedly found alone at the address. Authorities were summoned to the home due to concerns of neighbors who heard excess howling and could see the alleged conditions the dogs were left in by the previous owners. One of the neighbors spoke for all in stating that “We've been worried about the condition of the dogs. It's sad to see the puppies, how thin they were and not taken care of.”

Upon entering the home, two adult dogs and seven puppies were discovered and rescued. Water was immediately given to the needy animals. Supposedly, the officers stated that the home had a really bad smell when entering for the rescue and temperatures were around 100 degrees inside. One dog was found deceased and allegedly without its head in the back garage. All the animals were emaciated, even though a large 50 pound bag of dog food was found hidden in a closet.

The neighbor spokesperson alleges that the female tenant who lived there displayed extreme neglect for the dogs and left them there alone. She would occasionally come in with a bag of dog food, rip it open and toss it into the residence. Subsequently, the home has been condemned since the rescue. We want to ensure that the woman responsible for the state of the animals and the deceased dog receives the proper charges and punishment if she is found guilty. She needs to be banned from future animal ownership as well and you can help in our efforts to gain justice for these dogs by signing and sharing this petition.

Prosecuting Attorney Daniel G. Padden – We want to ensure that the woman responsible for the condition of two adult dogs, seven puppies and the deceased animal gets the proper punishment if she is found to be guilty of all charges. She needs to be slapped with 10 charges of felony animal cruelty & abuse, with retribution for each and every charge. Additionally, such a person needs to be banned from future animal ownership so that no other animal can sustain and endure such abuse in the future.

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