Stop Animal Testing In Germany! Example: The LPT (Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology), German

  • by: citzens who care
  • recipient: Ilse Aigner (German Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection)
The LPT (Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology) is one of the largest contract laboratories in Germany. 
On their website, they openly state that they carry out tests on the following animals:mice, rats, rabbits, guinea-pigs, hamsters, dogs, monkeys, pigs, cats, fish and birds. They also state that chemicals may be tested on these animals in the following ways: oral (diet, capsule, gavage) intraperitoneal intravenous injection, i.v. and s.c. infusion, dermal, inhalation, intravaginal, intraarticular, rectal and conjunctival sac administration. 
One can only imagine the pain a living being is experiencing during these tests. The animals suffer daily until they die one day - not one animal leaves this laboratory alive! They either die during the tests or are killed afterwards. 
Not only are the tests inhumane but they are also unnecessary as there are dozens of alternatives that are more reliable and the results more useful than those from animal testing. More than 92% of drugs and chemicals that have been tested successfully on animals, still prove to be dangerous for human beings. 
The tests are a waste of time and public money. While trying to buy products that have not been tested on animals, you can also sign this petition urging the laws in regard to animal testing to change for the better. 
Thank you. 
Sehr geehrte Bundesministerin Frau Aigner,
wir bitten sie darum, sich mit dem Thema Tierversuche genauer auseinander zu setzen.
Das Tierversuchslabor LPT (Laboratorium für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie) in Neu Wulmstorf - Mienenbüttel, testet täglich Chemikalien an verschiedenen Tieren (u.A. Katzen, Vögel, etc.). Keines der Tiere verlässt das Labor lebendig. 
Es ist inzwischen weitläufig bekannt, dass es Alternativen für Tierversuche gibt und diese oft ein besseres und eindeutigeres Ergebnis erzielen. Des Weiteren sind viele Chemikalien für Menschen unverträglich, auch wenn sie von Tieren vertragen wurden.
Die Tests an Tieren sind daher eine Verschwendung von Zeit und Geld und unterstützen nicht den Fortschritt, sondern nur die Lust Tiere zu quälen einzelner Personen.
Wir bitten sie dem Tierschutz mehr Beachtung zu schenken und unsere Gesetze besonders in Hinsicht auf Tierversuche der heutigen Zeit anzupassen. Das LPT dient hierbei als Beispiel, dass sie genauer beobachten sollten. Danke. 
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

English Translation:Dear Federal Minister Aigner,
we kindly request you to take a closer look at animal testing. The animal testing laboratory LPT (Laboratory for Pharmacology and Toxicology) in Neu Wulmstorf - Mienenbüttel, is daily testing chemicals on animals (including cats, birds, etc.). None of the animals leaves the laboratory alive.
It is now popularly known that there are alternatives for animal testing that often give qualitative better results. Also many chemicals show to be dangerous for human beings though they were tested to be save on animals. 
Hence, animal testing is a waste of time and money which impedes progress rather than advancing it and fosters the lust to hurt animals by individuals. 
We ask you to pay more attention to animal rights and change the laws especially in regard to animal testing according to modern times. The LPT here serves as an example we ask you to study in more detail. Thank you.
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