Protect Women's Right to Choose: Veto HB 1210!

  • by: Ms.
  • recipient: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels
The Indiana state house has passed a bill, HB 1210, that would place the following conditions upon women seeking an abortion:
  • Abortion would be banned after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Women would have to be told, in writing, that they face a greater risk of infertility, greater danger to subsequent pregnancies and an increased risk of breast cancer--all of which lack evidence.
  • Doctors must offer and provide a fetal ultrasound and an opportunity to hear the heartbeat unless the woman certifies in writing that she is refusing the "opportunity."
  • Indiana state policy would dictate that fetuses feel pain and that human life begins at conception.
  • Abortion providers must have privileges (or a relationship with a doctor who has privileges) at a neighboring hospital.
  • Mothers and biological fathers are given the option of suing the abortion provider if he or she does not follow the letter of the law. If the state attorney general tries the case, he or she will be funded through taxpayer money.
Indiana governor Mitch Daniels has said he wants the state legislature to focus on economic and budget issues, not social issues. We the undersigned ask the governor to stand by his words and veto the bill when it comes before him.
Dear Governor Daniels,

We, the undersigned, are writing to ask you to veto HB 1070.

The bill limits the rights of Indiana women in the following ways:
  • Abortion would be banned after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Women would have to be told, in writing, that they face a greater risk of infertility, greater danger to subsequent pregnancies and an increased risk of breast cancer--all of which lack evidence.
  • Doctors must offer and provide a fetal ultrasound and an opportunity to hear the heartbeat unless the woman certifies in writing that she is refusing the "opportunity."
  • Indiana state policy would dictate that fetuses feel pain and that human life begins at conception.
  • Abortion providers must have privileges (or a relationship with a doctor who has privileges) at a neighboring hospital.
  • Mothers and biological fathers are given the option of suing the abortion provider if he or she does not follow the letter of the law. If the state attorney general tries the case, he or she will be funded through taxpayer money.
You have said that you want the state legislature to focus on economic and budget issues, not social issues, and we agree with your stance. We the undersigned ask you to stand by his words and veto the bill when it comes before you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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