Support Raw Remedies Natural Hair Care Movement

  • by: Raw Remedies
  • recipient: Nevada State Board of Cosmetology

We are petitioning the Nevada State Board Of Cosmetology to to allow the teaching of all Natural Hair Care such as Locks and twists. To embrace more cultural hair styles without the use of harmful chemicals. As it stands, the state board does not have Locks as a part of its licensing. Never has a hairstyle been so misunderstood and generated so many rumors. Who would have guessed that people would be so willing to put random house hold foods and products in their hair. You can infact, with a great deal of work and suffering, start locks in some hair types with honey and tree sap but like Chris Rock says, "You can drive a car with your feet but don't make it a good idea!"

Rumor: You do not wash locks. Hair must be dirty to lock.
Fact: If you do not wash your hair it will stink. Locked hair needs to be washed regularly just like un-locked hair. You can wash Locks just as you would wash a sponge, by working the soap in and then squeezing and rinsing repeatedly to get all the soap out. Clean hair will actually lock up faster than dirty or oily hair. Because nearly every soap and shampoo on the market contains residues it was thought that clean hair does not lock quickly, when in fact it is the residues (conditioners, moisterizers, builders and fragrance holders) in the soaps that prevent hair from locking up. This is why we reccommend washing your locks only in residue free soaps and shampoos.

Rumor: Simply not combing your hair is the only way to get nice locks.
Fact: This is called the neglect method. Under some circumstances simply not combing hair will make it lock. The best example of this is African-textured hair. Left alone, African hair will eventually lock. Unfortunately the results, although technically called dreads, are usually less than pleasing to the eye. The hair forms giant matts at random all over the head. Some caucasion hair, if it is curly enough, will also Lock by neglect but the same problem exists. It takes several years for the hair to Lock fully and when it does it generally looks un kept, kind of like you might expect hair to look after not combing it for a few years. We do have tips in the methods section for caring for your locks as you neglect them, but please note that the neglect method is not the only way to go about getting locks and that the locks you will get are rarely "nice" looking.

Rumor: Only black people can have nice locks. Nice locks are high maintenance.
Fact: While it is easier for black people to have nice smooth locks it is completely possible for other hair textures to lock tightly and smoothly. Locks are difficult to start and the first month is a pain, but as they tighten and mature they become virtually maintenance free. They look great all the time, all you have to do is keep them clean.

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