• by: Jerry Oglesby
  • recipient: Federal Chief Judge Of The Southern District

Our Whole Way Of Life As A Republic Based Upon The Law Of The Land And The U.S. Constitution Is At Stake, Along With The Peace And Safety Of Our Children.

It has been recently discovered that we have a serious problem in our country. A corporate takeover by Washington D.C., Wall Street And Foreign Monarchs In Scandinavian and European Countries are inside our government in state and federal venues. They are running our affairs of government with security clearances issued by the Rogue Regime Of Barack Hussein Obama and Confirmed by Rogues In The Senate As Puppets To Illumi Corp, A Secret Cabal Of Globalist That Has For Over 60 years orchestrated one of the largest takeover of a nation without a shot fired.

Those Gangster Regime Puppets in congress have been elected to office through a corrupt computerized ballot system, controlled by the Secretary Of States, in which are rouges for the corporate takeover of every state in our union. We have top law enforcement agencies run by gangsters with Doctorate Of Jurisprudence Degrees as the Attorney General Loretta Lynch A.K.A. Jeri L. Wright, A Convicted Felon, Director Of The FBI, James Comey Investigating A Hoax At San Bernardino, claiming privilege to phone encryption, when there was no terrorist attack by any terrorist and no one died at Tucson Arizona to San Bernardino, no victims all DHS Drills as perpetrated Hoaxes. Secretary Of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson is a foreign national From Sweden Erik Oscar Hellqvist, In Which Is The Head Of The Largest Agency That Has Perpetrated These Hoaxes All Over The United States. The CIA are operating within our borders facilitating terrorism against the American people, it is as if the Fourth Reich is in our faces.

These People Are Enemies Of The People And Our Republic They Have Destroyed Our Way Of Life As A Free Nation Under GOD, Indivisible With Liberty And Justice For all. A Grand Jury Must Be Called To Root Out, Destroy And Tear Down This Dictatorial Regime Ran By Evelyn De Rothschild AKA Senator Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton AKA Lynn De Forrester De Rothschild, David Rockefeller AKA GEORGE SOREOS, Former Senator Jay Rockefeller AKA Wolfgang Halbig, David Rockefeller Jr AKA Sheriff Joe Aripio of Arizona, These and many more must answer charges in Treason, Espionage, Sedition, Murder, and RICO.

Dear Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan,

This petition is of a serious nature, in which we as a nation are infiltrated by foreign nationals that are running for President that are holding multiple jobs in government, Congress and the Senate, both in State and Federal venues. I can prove my allegations with over 82,000 computer generated pictures, One Notes and videos plus multiple forensic analysis of the subjects in question.

Enclosed is the list of known subjects in individal petitions for a Grand Jury Inquiry plus One Notes in forensics that pertains to the video series enclosed and those in state and Federal position are not whom they claim to be in real life, including you congressman Ryan, you are the husband of Sara Palin AKA Tina Faye AKA Jennefer Greenberg Sexton, you can see that we have a big problem in our government. However, you are not A Treasonious Spy from another country. We must stop them or it won't matter who you are because you and your family and mine as well as the American People are in grave danger. Let's stop this dictitorial takeover before its too late. Call For A Grand Jury against those Traitors against our country. If nothing is done then I know that you are part of the problem and not the solution.


J.R. Oglesby

In His Service

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