Ocean Protection Resolution Act proposition to the United Nations

  • by: Rogerio Mariani
  • recipient: United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki Moon

To Protect the oceans from being destroyed !

Hello Ocean lovers ! To really make this United Nations Ocean Protection Resolution Act go throught please share this petition with your friends and families so you,your children,grand children and families can be assured that our oceans are protected for the next decades to come.

Organisations like the United Nations can only act if "We the people" ask them to move forward towards suggested protective laws and their applications. The matter is of urge as marine biologists and ocean conservation societies point out every day. 
The oceans are the life line of the earth and vital to the survival of all human kind and nature. 
Thank you in the name of all the people who work towards cleaner and protected populated oceans ! Rogerio Mariani ,Artist

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