• recipient: Craig Newmark

Posting any animal in the "Pets" section on Craigslist is a potential death sentence for all animals. While some people have good intentions (such as shelters who have a proper, extensive adoption process backed by documentation and whose intentions are social networking for the benefit of animals) when posting animals on Craigslist, others do not. Malice individuals scout these postings for free animals or animals selling for cheap, in hopes of finding bait dogs, fighting dogs and other animals available for their disposal. We need to shut these monsters down and remove this revenue of destruction by putting into place an official adoption process so that the well being of these animals can be properly monitored. While you think your beloved pet is being rehomed into a loving environment, they could wind up dead moments later. Please helps us in the fight to make it mandatory that all individuals who sell and buy animals from Craigslist are doing so justifiably and lawfully. DOG FIGHTING IS A FEDERAL OFFENCE.

Update #110 years ago
Thanks to all of you who signed thus far, in just a few short days we have already met our halfway goal and have almost 400 shares! AMAZING! Time to up the Ante and show Craigslist and it's criminals that we mean business! We must continue to speak up for these innocent animals if we want to make a change. Thank you for your continued support, we couldn't do this without you!
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