Maximum Penalty for Man Who Used Sword on Family Dog

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Somerset County Sheriff’s Department & Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the maximum penalty for a man in Maine who used a sword to attack the family dog during an altercation and assault on his wife. When trying to attack the wife during the argument, the dog tried to protect her at which time the man took a sword and attacked the dog. We are asking for the most severe punishment by law for domestic violence as well as animal cruelty.

It is so disturbing how many times a family argument or domestic dispute leads to an offense against children and pets within the same home! Such an incident occurred in St. Albans, Maine when a man, Mr. Bruce E. Bennett, 33, assaulted his wife during a verbal and physical altercation. The woman left the home to try to get away from the man but apparently the family dog tried to protect her during the assault.

As the woman left the home, the man turned on Malakai, the family's bulldog, using a sword. He was badly wounded by Mr. Bennett with the 2-1/2 foot long sword. Authorities were summoned to the home by the woman's brother's alarm who lives nearby the couple. Malakai is currently still at the animal hospital being treated for his wounds and appears to be making a good recovery.

It appears that the man is being charged and we want to ensure he gets the most severe repercussions allowed by law in the state of Maine. Along with using this extremely dangerous sword as a weapon, he needs jail time and fines for domestic abuse and animal cruelty abuse! Maybe he should also be required to take anger management as part of his sentencing. Help us to ensure the state inflicts upon him the harshest sentence allowed in addition to banning him from owning, caring or being near any other animals for the duration of his life.

Somerset County Sheriff’s Department & Judicial System - Mr. Bruce E. Bennett needs to receive the harshest sentencing and punishment allowed by law in your state for a weapons charge (the sword), assaulting his wife and abusing this innocent dog protecting his owner. Additionally, he should be banned for life from owning or even being near any other animals since he feels they only get in the way. Mr. Bennett needs to take some mandatory anger management courses as well because, although everyone argues now and then, it should never lead to such physical harm and abuse.

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