• recipient: United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. US President. All Heads of States. Human Rights Watch

PLEASE HELP LIBERATE THE FOUR DAUGHTERS OF SAUDI KING ABDULLA, SAHAR, MAHA, HALA, JAWAHAR, WHO ARE BEING HELD AGAINST THEIR WILL UNDER HOUSE ARREST AND MALTREATED. PLEASE! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HELP SO PLEASE DO HELP, FOR THEM AND FOR ALL WITH NO POWER. THIS IS WHAT YOU REPRESENT-YOU HAVE HEARTS AND FAMILIES TOO AND YOU DO STAND UP FOR FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THEIR HOUSE NOR SAUDI NOR SEE THEIR MOTHER AL-ANOUD AL-FAYEZ, IN ENGLAND, WHO IS GRIEF STRICKEN. THEY HAVE ACCESS TO ONLY LIMITED FOOD AND WATER. THEY COULD DIE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP. HERE ARE SAMPLES TAKEN FROM A LETTER OF APPEAL WRITTEN BY THEIR MOTHER, PRINCESS AL-ANOUD AL-FAYEZ, THE EX WIFE OF THE KING: "The anguish of a mother kept apart from her own children who have been living in agony for years is far too great to bear. My children have been robbed of their right to study, work, start a family, travel and visit me. The King’s other children, sons and daughters, enjoy the opportunity to travel freely, study or indeed, live in the West. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Saudi princesses live in the United States and Europe to escape the prison-like conditions even for female members of the ruling family. My daughters, in contrast, have been deliberately denied even medical attention that they urgently need.My daughters are lovely and talented women. Sahar, the eldest, is an artist and a free-thinker. Maha, sensitive and analytical, has a penchant for business and politics. Hala is brilliant and compassionate; she majored in psychology and graduated top of her class. She loves to play the piano and compose music. Jawaher, my youngest daughter, also loves music and hopes to earn a degree in sound engineering.I taught my daughters to be strong and speak the truth even to their powerful father, who doesn’t enjoy being challenged and especially not by women. When my daughters told their father his wealthy kingdom is full of terrible poverty, he called them liars, even as hundreds of men and women wait under the scorching Arabian sun to plead for the king’s help in ameliorating their dire economic or medical situations.The plight of my girls, while sad, is hardly unique. The Saudi King’s law gives males complete and absolute control over women in their families without any regard for their wishes or rights. Without committing or being accused of any crime, my daughters are suffering psychological and physical abuse, with little hope for salvation from within Saudi Arabia. My daughter’s half-brothers, Minister of the Saudi National Guard Mitab and Deputy Foreign Minister AbdulAziz, vow to uphold the detention after the king’s death." 

PLEASE HELP LIBERATE THE FOUR DAUGHTERS OF SAUDI KING ABDULLA, SAHAR, MAHA, HALA, JAWAHAR, WHO ARE BEING HELD AGAINST THEIR WILL UNDER HOUSE ARREST AND MALTREATED. PLEASE! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HELP SO PLEASE DO HELP, FOR THEM AND FOR ALL WITH NO POWER. THIS IS WHAT YOU REPRESENT-YOU HAVE HEARTS AND FAMILIES TOO AND YOU DO STAND UP FOR FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THEIR HOUSE NOR SAUDI NOR SEE THEIR MOTHER AL-ANOUD AL-FAYEZ, IN ENGLAND, WHO IS GRIEF STRICKEN. THEY HAVE ACCESS TO ONLY LIMITED FOOD AND WATER. THEY COULD DIE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP. HERE ARE SAMPLES TAKEN FROM A LETTER OF APPEAL WRITTEN BY THEIR MOTHER, PRINCESS AL-ANOUD AL-FAYEZ, THE EX WIFE OF THE KING: "The anguish of a mother kept apart from her own children who have been living in agony for years is far too great to bear. My children have been robbed of their right to study, work, start a family, travel and visit me. The King’s other children, sons and daughters, enjoy the opportunity to travel freely, study or indeed, live in the West. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Saudi princesses live in the United States and Europe to escape the prison-like conditions even for female members of the ruling family. My daughters, in contrast, have been deliberately denied even medical attention that they urgently need.My daughters are lovely and talented women. Sahar, the eldest, is an artist and a free-thinker. Maha, sensitive and analytical, has a penchant for business and politics. Hala is brilliant and compassionate; she majored in psychology and graduated top of her class. She loves to play the piano and compose music. Jawaher, my youngest daughter, also loves music and hopes to earn a degree in sound engineering.I taught my daughters to be strong and speak the truth even to their powerful father, who doesn’t enjoy being challenged and especially not by women. When my daughters told their father his wealthy kingdom is full of terrible poverty, he called them liars, even as hundreds of men and women wait under the scorching Arabian sun to plead for the king’s help in ameliorating their dire economic or medical situations.The plight of my girls, while sad, is hardly unique. The Saudi King’s law gives males complete and absolute control over women in their families without any regard for their wishes or rights. Without committing or being accused of any crime, my daughters are suffering psychological and physical abuse, with little hope for salvation from within Saudi Arabia. My daughter’s half-brothers, Minister of the Saudi National Guard Mitab and Deputy Foreign Minister AbdulAziz, vow to uphold the detention after the king’s death."

Update #310 years ago
Here is Sahar, the eldest daughter of the four princesses, latest interview. Please read. Thank you all.
Update #210 years ago
We are halfway there. As days pass, the girls are enduring suffering and injustice, physically,mentally and emotionally, but even though their spirits remain strong, anyone in their position would begin to feel exhausted. With great plead, it is this time that they need your help more than ever. Please sign and pass on the word to your local news agencies. All that is needed is their release and to reunite with their mother. Is that too much to ask? Thank you all!
Update #110 years ago
Once again, thank you very much for your kindness and time for signing this distressing issue. The media is shying away from it and the options at the moment seem bleak and hard. Desperation is taking over as time is running out, and at least here, 1000 signatures are needed. Can you please shed more light on this issue by publicising it in any way you feel may help? Anything helps. All the best to you. Sincerely, Rana
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