Ensure Important END Wildlife Trafficking Act Becomes Law

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: U. S. Congress

Wildlife trafficking is an ongoing issue on a real global level where animals are poached and killed for their body parts. There is such a high demand for products that come from poaching and wildlife trafficking that includes species such as tigers, rhinos and elephants. This illegal trade is of high concern and the effort to stop wildlife trafficking in the USA is to encourage the passage of a law for “END Wildlife Trafficking Act”.”

As an animal lover and advocate for their well-being, I hope you will consider supporting this issue to stop wildlife trafficking. You can read more about the END Wildlife Trafficking Act and support to put it into law at https://secure3.convio.net/wcs/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=C22158288B4E1D2E5312CF8E47819F44.app303a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=808&utm_medium=email&utm_source=WCS&utm_campaign=owned&utm_content=2016121CAMP_EndWildlifeTrafficking&s_src=CAMP_EndWildlifeTrafficking&s_subsrc=CAMP_End-Wildlife-Trafficking&autologin=true.  I am hopeful that all members of Congress can take important steps to ensure this act becomes law.

Killing these precious animals are cruel and unjust crimes, acts that seem to get dismissed and often unnoticed.  I hope you will work with me in strong efforts to save all these endangered species from wildlife trafficking since they cannot protect themselves.  The effort is to encourage your local Senators and the U. S. Congress members as a whole to fully support the passage and full enforcement of the END Wildlife Trafficking Act. If you would like to join the effort, please sign and share this petition, adding your own comments that would help in getting the results to put an end to wildlife trafficking. 

U. S. Congress – Wildlife Trafficking is a huge concern globally.  The concern is to end this type of poaching and trafficking operations, which are continually on the rise.  It is estimated, due to research and documentation, that an average of 35,000 elephants alone are killed annually.  As an avid supporter of the Wildlife Conservation Society, I strongly urge you to take all necessary steps that would fully support the Eliminate, Neutralize, and Disrupt (END) Wildlife Trafficking Act. The USA can play a crucial role in stopping poaching and wildlife trafficking.  This problem is estimated to be the fourth largest illegal industry that needs to be more closely monitored.  More needs to be done to address this critical concern through the co-sponsorship of all members of Congress to the END Wildlife Trafficking Act.  Ensure methods in preventing poaching and trafficking for any reason while also threatening various animal species and wildlife extinction.

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