Seattle's 12th Man Petition to not make the 12th man look Chris Crocker

Corey Bailey's petition only makes the 12th man look like a group of stupid whining children who cry to mommy every time they don't get a candy bar at the grocery store. These types of actions give opposing fans all the ammunition they need to insult and attack the 12th man and disregard everything we say and do.


The 12th man has worked hard to create an image of a serious, strong, and loyal fanbase that will scream our voice boxes out in rain, ice, and storm and stop at nothing to support our team. What we don't need is Corey "Butters" Bailey providing us a Safe Place from #reality by going through our social media and filtering out any negative comments.

As a real 12th man, I reject Corey Bailey's petition as nothing more than a trolling attempt by a 49er's fan that no longer has a comeback to the smack-talk from Hawk's fans. Our team feeds on doubt and negative comments and works harder to make the media talking heads look foolish. The last thing we need is for the LOB to only hear positive and loving comments.

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