Justice for the animals at Marineland Ontario Canada

  • by: Deborah Wolman
  • recipient: Ontario Government/MPP Kim Craitor -- must investigate conditions at the animal penitentiary

Marineland is an aquarium located in Niagara Falls Canada. it is the residence for a number of aquatic mammals (whales, dolphins, sea lions etc..).

Staff have made allegations that water quality and poor staffing have lead to deplorable conditions for the animals. Evidence and pictures: http://www.thestar.com/photoplayer/1242044

These allegations need to be investigated and the animals need to be relocated to more suitable conditions if they are unable to be returned into the wild. Legislation needs to be created to prevent Marineland from acquiring more animals in the future. 

For more information about how to help please see: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/314062_361275823941393_1672743968_n.jpg

Dear Kim Craitor

Marineland is an aquarium located in your riding of Niagara Falls  It is home to a number of aquatic mammals (whales, dolphines, sealions etc..).
Staff have made allegations that water quality and poor staffing have lead to deplorable conditions for the animlas.  Even if all of the conditions where "perfect"  these animals need to live in the wild -- or as close to a wild environment as possible (if not able to be released to the wild).  Noise pollution has a major impact on the nervous system and metal health of the aquatic animals.
These allegations need to be investigated and the animals need to be relocated to more suitable conditions if they are unable to be returned into the wild.

Laws preventing the wild catch (and breeding for future imprinsonement) and containment of these animals need to be put in place to prevent the torture of these magestic animlas.  Anyone who thinks that the animals needs can be met in captivity is ignoring the science behind how these animals communicate and function.  Please investigate these allegations NOW before more animals are harmed...

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