Protect the inner Ionian Marine protected area in reality and not just in papers

The inner ionian marine protected area is the second largest marine protected area in Greece and one of the largest in the mediterannean. It still contains a complete set of marine megafauna that is threatened by among other things the fact that the goverment central planning effectivelly choses to delliberatelly ignore its existence to serve the desires of the corrupt aquaculture industry that has even members of parliament as the major stockholders.

With this petition we ask that you take all rellevant legislative actions so that the following can become a reality as soon as possible for the inner Ionian marine protecte area and for a buffer zone of at least double its size for its marine borders and a third its size for its terrestrial borders

1) The immediate declassification of any part of the area of the Internal Ionian archipelago as aquaculture organized zone area and the immediate removal of existing aquaculture units. Also the immediate declassification of any part of the area within this zone as that for oil and gas drilling.

. This should be coupled with the creation of new law that prevents explicitly the installation of new ones in the marine protected area and the afformentioned buffer area at any time in the future.

2) the abolition of legislation that allows the installation of aquaculture units within Nature protected zones 

3) The permanent ban on any form of fishing in the protected area of the inner Ionian archipelago beyond traditional coastal fishing and artisanal fishing. These should however be licensed. This must be based on specific legislation and always taking account of relevant scientific evidence that should be obtained either from the scientific literature or from monitoring programs .Always for these the opinion of local communities should be sought.

4) The creation of local regulations for sea transport based mainly on the protection of marine biodiversity within the protected area of the inner Ionian archipelago with particular emphasis on spawning grounds of various fish species and endangered fauna species it hosts.

5) Permanent ban on all oil, gas and rellevant extraction of mineral resources and rellated drilling and mining operations respectivelly

The rights of local communities under national and international laws and their immediate view on issues under items 3) and 4) should be taken into account by performing actions such as local direct polls, debates, surveys and other relevant methods.

Title of Letter: Spatial planning in the inner Ionian marine nature reserve
To the central spatial planning comitee of the Greek state and to anyone relevant with respect to spatial planning within the Greek public sector
With this letter I ask that you take all legal actions possible so that the following can become a reality as soon as possible
1) The immediate declassification of any part of the area of the Internal Ionian archipelago as aquaculture organized zone area and the immediate removal of existing aquaculture units within the protected zone of the inner Ionian archipelago and the creation of law preventing the installation of new therein at any time in the future.
2) the abolition of legislation that allows the installation of aquaculture units within Nature protected zones 
3) The permanent ban on any form of fishing in the protected area of the inner Ionian archipelago beyond traditional coastal fishing and artisanal fishing. These should however be licensed. This must be based on specific legislation and always taking account of relevant scientific evidence that should be obtained either from the scientific literature or from monitoring programs .Always for these the opinion of local communities should be sought.
4) The creation of local regulations for sea transport based mainly on the protection of marine biodiversity within the protected area of the inner Ionian archipelago with particular emphasis on spawning grounds of various fish species and endangered fauna species it hosts.
The rights of local communities under national and international laws and their immediate view on issues under items 3) and 4) should be taken into account by performing actions such as local direct polls, debates, surveys and other relevant methods.
Thank you Faithfull yours 
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