Stop Using Permarin for Menopause Treatment

Premarin is made from the urine of pregnant mares that are kept pregnant their entire lives. As soon as the foal is born they kill it and inseminate her again. She live in a stall her whole life, deprived of adequate water so that her urine is more concentrated, in a small stall with a rubber piss catcher attached to her. When they have used her all up they send her to slaughter. How bad is your menopause??? The plant based Estrdiol worked great for me and no horses were harmed.

Dear NHS 

Please stop using the drug Permarin for Hormone replacement therapy to relieve symptoms of the menopause . Permarin  is made from the urine of pregnant mares that are kept pregnant their entire lives. As soon as the foal is born they kill it and inseminate her again. She live in a stall her whole life, deprived of adequate water so that her urine is more concentrated, in a small stall with a rubber piss catcher attached to her. When they have used her all up they send her to slaughter. How bad is your menopause??? The plant based Estrdiol worked great for me and no horses were harmed. . There are many other different medicines that can be taken for menopause treatment that have not been forcefully removed from mare ( female horses ) . This is a disgusting and needs to be stopped 

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