Tell the IRS: Fine Trump $100 million for unpaid taxes!

A recent investigation revealed that Trump may owe the IRS $100 million in back taxes – plus interest and penalties! Trump has been the focus of a years-long inquiry by the IRS for "a dubious accounting maneuver that effectively meant taking the same write-offs twice on a Chicago skyscraper."

In 2008, Trump claimed losses of $651 million for his Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. He then transferred the ownership of the property to a different holding company that he also controlled in 2010, and reported an additional $168 million in losses over the next decade, double-dipping on tax losses. 

This is just another example in a long list of Trump's lies and deceit. He has intentionally skirted tax laws to benefit himself at the expense of the American people. He should be penalized and charged the full amount he owes. Sign your name to tell the IRS: Make Trump pay $100 million for back taxes!

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