FREE Columbia Uni from Antisemitism


    We, the alumni, donors, students, and faculty of Columbia University, once proud bearers of the Columbia legacy, now find our esteemed degrees tarnished, our alma mater's reputation sullied by recent events and the feeble response from the university.

    The education, life skills, and passion for good that we once cherished now seem overshadowed by a stain on our resumes, a disgrace that goes against everything we hold dear. This is not the Columbia we knew, not the institution we invested in, and certainly not aligned with our deeply held values. We refuse to stand idly by and watch our beloved school fall from grace.

    Recent events on campus cannot be brushed aside as mere debates or exercises in free speech. This is not about politics or critiquing nations. Let us call it for what it is - vile, repugnant, and violent ANTISEMITISM!

    Without a clear statement, we will not see ourselves anymore as ambassadors and supporters of the University. We will chase you on every platform across the globe. We will expose the real face of this institution to every potential donor, any student considering to apply, any faculty member considering recruitment, any speaker. It will be our duty, because we know, to expose the real face of Columbia so the whole world will see, and will never forget.

    We demand actions, clear and loud now. For Jewish students and all students to feel safe and welcomed on campus.

    Join us in this crucial fight against antisemitism. Sign our petition to urge Columbia's leadership to uphold the values of tolerance, respect, and integrity that we once proudly associated with our alma mater. Together, let us ensure that Columbia University remains a beacon of light and learning, free from the shadows of hatred and intolerance.
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