Against political trial of Albin Kurti

  • by:
  • recipient: EU High Rep. for Foreign Affairs; UN Secretary General; Prime Minister and President of Kosova, and the Deputies in the Kosova Assembly

Peticion kunder perndjekjes se padrejte politike te Albin Kurtit

(The English version of this text is after the Albanian version)

Ne, te nenshkruarit e ketij peticioni, kerkojme ndaljen e menjehershme te perndjekjes dhe gjykimit politik te Albin Kurtit, rifillimin e te cilit EULEX-i (Misioni i BE-se per Sundimin e Ligjit ne Kosove) e ka shpallur per 15 shkurt 2010.


Tre vjet me pare, me 10 shkurt 2007, Mon Balaj dhe Arben Xheladini u qelluan dhe u vrane ne menyre te paligjshme nga policia e UNMIK-ut ne nje demonstrate paqesore ne Prishtine te organizuar nga Levizja VETEVENDOSJE!. Ne kete demonstrate ne te cilen protestohej kunder kushtezimeve te Planit te Ahtisaarit dhe per te drejten per vetevendosje te popullit te Kosoves, mbi 80 veta u plagosen, duke u qelluar me plumba gome te skaduar prej 12 vjetesh. Qe atehere asnje zyrtar ose polic i UNMIK-ut nuk eshte vene para pergjegjesise.


Ne vend te kesaj, Albin Kurti, lider i Levizjes VETEVENDOSJE!, ne vitin 2007 eshte mbajtur ne burg dhe arrest shtepiak per 11 muaj, dhe pastaj i eshte nenshtruar nje gjykimi nga UNMIK-u, qe eshte kritikuar gjeresisht nga organizatat e te drejtave te njeriut, si Amnesty International, e cila e ka pershkruar si "te motivuar politikisht". Albini ishte akuzuar per pjesemarrje ne nje turme qe ka bere veper penale (320.2); pjesemarrje ne nje grup qe ka penguar personat zyrtare ne kryerjen e detyres se tyre zyrtare (318.1 and 318.2); dhe thirrje per rezistence (319.1). Ky gjyq u pezullua me 7 shkurt 2008 pasi avokatet e Kosoves respektuan mosnjohjen e gjykates nga Albin Kurti dhe thirrjen e tij per ta refuzuar pjesemarrjen.


Rifillimi i ketij gjyqi kunder Albin Kurtit nga EULEX-i me te njejtat akuza eshte nje perpjekje per te vazhduar shmangien e ndjekjes penale te policise se UNMIK-ut per krimet qe ata kane kryer, dhe ne vend te kesaj, per te kriminalizuar dhe per te heshtur mendimin kritik dhe zerin e opozites ne Kosove dhe cfaredo kundershtimi ndaj sundimit nderkombetar.


  • Ne i bejme thirrje baroneshes Catherine Ashton, Perfaqesueses se Larte te BE-se per Pune te Jashtme dhe Politiken e Sigurise, qe eshte edhe Zevendes Presidente e Komisionit, e te ciles EULEX-i i jep llogari, te nderhyje per te ndaluar kete perndjekje dhe gjykim politik.


  • Ne u bejme thirrje Kryeministrit dhe Presidentit te Kosoves, dhe Deputeteve te Kuvendit te Kosoves qe te kerkojne nga EULEX-i t%u2019i jep fund perndjekjes dhe gjykimit politik te Albin Kurtit.


  • Ne i bejme thirrje Sekretarit te Pergjithshem te OKB-se te filloje nje hetim te pavarur dhe transparent per vrasjet e 10 shkurtit

 Petition against the unjust political prosecution of Albin Kurti


We the undersigned call for an immediate end to the political prosecution and trial of Albin Kurti, which EULEX (EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo) has announced will re-start on 15 February 2010.


Three years ago on 10th February 2007, Mon Balaj and Arben Xheladini were shot and killed unlawfully by UNMIK police in a peaceful demonstration organized by Levizja VETEVENDOSJE! in Prishtina. In this demonstration, which was a protest against the Ahtisaari Plan and for the right to self-determination of the people of Kosova, over 80 people were injured, shot with rubber bullets 12 years out of date. Since then, not a single responsible UNMIK official or policeman has been held to account.


Instead, Albin Kurti, leader of Levizja VETEVENDOSJE! (Movement for Self-Determination!) was held in prison and house arrest for 11 months in 2007, and then subjected to a trial by UNMIK, widely criticized by human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, which described it as %u2018politically motivated%u2019. Albin was accused of participating in a crowd committing a criminal offence (320.2),; participating in a group obstructing official persons in performing official duties (318.1 and 318.2); and call to resistance (319.1). This trial was suspended on 7th February 2008, after Kosova lawyers respected Albin Kurti%u2019s non-recognition of the court and his call for them to refuse to participate.


The re-starting of this trial of Albin Kurti by EULEX with the same charges, is an attempt to avoid prosecuting UNMIK police for the crimes they committed, and instead, to criminalize and silence dissent and the voice of opposition in Kosova, as well as any form of protest against international governance.


  • We call on Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Commission Vice-President, to whom EULEX is accountable, to intervene to stop to this political prosecution and trial.
  • We call on the Prime Minister and President of Kosova, and the Deputies in the Kosova Assembly, to demand that EULEX end its political prosecution and trial of Albin Kurti.
  • We call on the UN Secretary General to open an independent and transparent investigation into the killings of 10th February 2007.


Peticion kunder perndjekjes se padrejte politike te Albin Kurtit

(The English version of this text is after the Albanian version)

Ne, te nenshkruarit e ketij peticioni, kerkojme ndaljen e menjehershme te perndjekjes dhe gjykimit politik te Albin Kurtit, rifillimin e te cilit EULEX-i (Misioni i BE-se per Sundimin e Ligjit ne Kosove) e ka shpallur per 15 shkurt 2010.


Tre vjet me pare, me 10 shkurt 2007, Mon Balaj dhe Arben Xheladini u qelluan dhe u vrane ne menyre te paligjshme nga policia e UNMIK-ut ne nje demonstrate paqesore ne Prishtine te organizuar nga Levizja VETEVENDOSJE!. Ne kete demonstrate ne te cilen protestohej kunder kushtezimeve te Planit te Ahtisaarit dhe per te drejten per vetevendosje te popullit te Kosoves, mbi 80 veta u plagosen, duke u qelluar me plumba gome te skaduar prej 12 vjetesh. Qe atehere asnje zyrtar ose polic i UNMIK-ut nuk eshte vene para pergjegjesise.


Ne vend te kesaj, Albin Kurti, lider i Levizjes VETEVENDOSJE!, ne vitin 2007 eshte mbajtur ne burg dhe arrest shtepiak per 11 muaj, dhe pastaj i eshte nenshtruar nje gjykimi nga UNMIK-u, qe eshte kritikuar gjeresisht nga organizatat e te drejtave te njeriut, si Amnesty International, e cila e ka pershkruar si "te motivuar politikisht". Albini ishte akuzuar per pjesemarrje ne nje turme qe ka bere veper penale (320.2); pjesemarrje ne nje grup qe ka penguar personat zyrtare ne kryerjen e detyres se tyre zyrtare (318.1 and 318.2); dhe thirrje per rezistence (319.1). Ky gjyq u pezullua me 7 shkurt 2008 pasi avokatet e Kosoves respektuan mosnjohjen e gjykates nga Albin Kurti dhe thirrjen e tij per ta refuzuar pjesemarrjen.


Rifillimi i ketij gjyqi kunder Albin Kurtit nga EULEX-i me te njejtat akuza eshte nje perpjekje per te vazhduar shmangien e ndjekjes penale te policise se UNMIK-ut per krimet qe ata kane kryer, dhe ne vend te kesaj, per te kriminalizuar dhe per te heshtur mendimin kritik dhe zerin e opozites ne Kosove dhe cfaredo kundershtimi ndaj sundimit nderkombetar.


  • Ne i bejme thirrje baroneshes Catherine Ashton, Perfaqesueses se Larte te BE-se per Pune te Jashtme dhe Politiken e Sigurise, qe eshte edhe Zevendes Presidente e Komisionit, e te ciles EULEX-i i jep llogari, te nderhyje per te ndaluar kete perndjekje dhe gjykim politik.


  • Ne u bejme thirrje Kryeministrit dhe Presidentit te Kosoves, dhe Deputeteve te Kuvendit te Kosoves qe te kerkojne nga EULEX-i t%u2019i jep fund perndjekjes dhe gjykimit politik te Albin Kurtit.


  • Ne i bejme thirrje Sekretarit te Pergjithshem te OKB-se te filloje nje hetim te pavarur dhe transparent per vrasjet e 10 shkurtit

 Petition against the unjust political prosecution of Albin Kurti


We the undersigned call for an immediate end to the political prosecution and trial of Albin Kurti, which EULEX (EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo) has announced will re-start on 15 February 2010.


Three years ago on 10th February 2007, Mon Balaj and Arben Xheladini were shot and killed unlawfully by UNMIK police in a peaceful demonstration organized by Levizja VETEVENDOSJE! in Prishtina. In this demonstration, which was a protest against the Ahtisaari Plan and for the right to self-determination of the people of Kosova, over 80 people were injured, shot with rubber bullets 12 years out of date. Since then, not a single responsible UNMIK official or policeman has been held to account.


Instead, Albin Kurti, leader of Levizja VETEVENDOSJE! (Movement for Self-Determination!) was held in prison and house arrest for 11 months in 2007, and then subjected to a trial by UNMIK, widely criticized by human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, which described it as %u2018politically motivated%u2019. Albin was accused of participating in a crowd committing a criminal offence (320.2),; participating in a group obstructing official persons in performing official duties (318.1 and 318.2); and call to resistance (319.1). This trial was suspended on 7th February 2008, after Kosova lawyers respected Albin Kurti%u2019s non-recognition of the court and his call for them to refuse to participate.


The re-starting of this trial of Albin Kurti by EULEX with the same charges, is an attempt to avoid prosecuting UNMIK police for the crimes they committed, and instead, to criminalize and silence dissent and the voice of opposition in Kosova, as well as any form of protest against international governance.


  • We call on Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Commission Vice-President, to whom EULEX is accountable, to intervene to stop to this political prosecution and trial.
  • We call on the Prime Minister and President of Kosova, and the Deputies in the Kosova Assembly, to demand that EULEX end its political prosecution and trial of Albin Kurti.
  • We call on the UN Secretary General to open an independent and transparent investigation into the killings of 10th February 2007.


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