Demand the Supreme Court deny Trump full immunity!

Disgraced ex-president Donald Trump and his legal team are arguing in front of the Supreme Court that he should be given full immunity from anything that he ever did while President, including inciting the January 6th insurrection that led to a mob storming the Capitol building.

The idea that any president should be unaccountable for their actions is entirely antithetical to the democracy that our great nation was founded on; our presidents are not kings and should not be immune to prosecution if they break the law — as Trump did multiple times during his time in office.

No immunity for Trump!

It also makes zero sense. "If the potential for criminal liability is taken off the table, wouldn't there be a significant risk that future presidents would be emboldened to commit crimes with abandon while they're in office?" asked Justice Ketanji Brown during arguments.

Yes, the risk would be enormous — and with Trump running for President again, we absolutely cannot allow him to walk away scott-free from the very serious crimes that he has been accused of.

Demand the Supreme Court deny Trump full immunity!

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