Abortion Pills Are Safe, But Extremists in the US Are Still Trying to Keep Them From People in Need

Mifepristone, or the abortion pill, has over and over again been proven to be safe and effective. In fact, this pill is used in over half of abortions in the United States. But a new court decision will dramatically roll back the number of people who have access to it.

A recent ruling eliminated the ability to obtain mifepristone by mail, adding another unnecessary barrier to people seeking basic reproductive health care -- especially in the almost 20 states where draconian bans make abortions by medication some people's only option (as opposed to a surgical abortion).

Sign the petition now to tell Congress: guarantee abortion pill access by writing it into federal law!

We will not allow extremists to push us back to an era where people had to seek dangerous, illegal abortions or were forced to endure unwanted pregnancies. The FDA has extensively studied mifepristone, and found it safe. That should be enough to guarantee access. It is time Congress commit to making the abortion pill accessible by mail and over-the-counter!

Enough if enough. Pregnant people should get to decide what they want to do with their bodies, simple as that. If folks continue to be denied mifepristone, they will effectively be denied any and all ways to access safe abortions. It is time Congress stand up for reproductive health and make mifepristone readily available by mail and over-the-counter! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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