Stop oil companies from writing executive orders for Trump to pass!

In a stunning new report, the media is reporting that Big Oil and its lobbyists are literally writing executive orders for Donald Trump to pass if he gets back into the White House, rolling back all of President Biden's huge climate wins and damning our world to an ecological disaster of unprecedented proportions.

"The U.S. oil industry is drawing up ready-to-sign executive orders for Donald Trump aimed at pushing natural gas exports, cutting drilling costs and increasing offshore oil leases in case he wins a second term, according to energy executives with direct knowledge of the work," reports POLITICO.

End oil lobbying forever!

These executive orders include an immediate reversal of President Biden's pause on new natural gas export permits and opening up federal lands and waters for more and more oil drilling.

In exchange for this, Trump wants a billion dollars as part of an outrageous pay-for-play scheme to subvert our democracy with dark money and ensure that our grandchildren don't have a healthy planet to enjoy. Congress needs to act ASAP to put a stop to this.

Stop oil companies from writing executive orders for Trump to pass!

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