A Group of Men in South Carolina Just Banned Abortion, But Voters Haven't Gotten a Chance to Say What They Want!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: South Carolina Lawmakers
Months ago, the South Carolina Supreme Court lost its only female member to mandatory retirement. So of course, the group of men remaining decided to make the cruelest, most invasive decision -- to ban abortions after 6 weeks, which accounts for nearly all abortions.

This is such a gross overreach of power by South Carolina's all-male Supreme Court. These men will never have to worry about their own bodily autonomy being stripped from them or their privacy being invaded in such a way. Yet they are willing to do it to the very people whose rights and freedoms they are sworn to protect.

This could all be changed if the state would just allow voters to express what they want. But the lawmakers in South Carolina refuse to put abortion rights on any ballot.

Tell South Carolina's lawmakers: stop being tyrannical cowards and create a ballot measure asking the people there if they support the right to abortion!

Carrying out a pregnancy is a monumental, deeply personal decision that should be made by the person, with the guidance and support of their doctor. No one should have a say in that decision -- especially a bunch of men who could never personally experience it.

The United States is, hypothetically, a democracy. The people deserve to weigh in on the right to safe, accessible abortion. But South Carolina doesn't let voters add issues to ballots, and the lawmakers there refuse to put it on the ballot themselves -- meaning voters literally have no way to tell their representatives what they want!

Polls tell us that the majority of Americans think abortion should be legal. South Carolina's lawmakers are clearly scared that if they let voters have a say, they'll have to legalize abortion. We hold the power. It's time to remind them of that.

Add your name to the petition and demand that South Carolina give power back to the people, and let voters actually vote on the right to an abortion!
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