GOD Alone - Quran Alone

Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan has indicated through several media outlets her embrace of the Quran Alone as a source and guide for Islam.

This petition supports the Queen's comments and calls for more action to bring-out Islam and fight sectarianaism and falshoods.


Dear Queen Rania,

We are writing to you this letter based on the views that you have expressed over several media outlets making you one of the few courageous people who realize that the Islam of today is not even a 'shadow' of the glorious teachings contained in the holy Quran, and that it is the false teachings of the Mullahs, Sheikhs, and writers of Hadith which have grossly twisted Islam into a religion of hate and anger and self-centerism.

You are not alone in the realization that a call has to be made back to the teachings of the Quran Alone, and that GOD Alone will be our focus and our comfort "You Alone we serve, You Alone we seek" (1:5).

With this desire for purification, and with the desire to put some sanity back into a world which has drifted to the brink of madness...a group of Muslims has been forming in pockets here and there with the call back to the Quran, and the combating of ignorance, oppression, and false teachings as there prime goal.

It is from this gathering of believers in GOD Alone that we are stretching our hand out to you to join in our efforts and fix what has been done wrong and stand-up for what is right (not what is popular!).

For a woman in your sensitive position to speak her views against the falsehood created in the name of Islam tells volumes of your faith and your commitment to what is right.

We already have a growing presence on the Internet and the age of the Islamic revival is coming in-front of our own eyes...People are once again being liberated starting with their minds as was the case 1,400 years ago with the revelation of the Holy Book.

Our focal point as believers is done through www.Free-Minds.Org

Our appeal to you as one of the leaders of a nation is to join and support the Islamic revival through the following:

1. Allow Free-Minds to host a conference in Jordan calling people back to the Quran and GOD Alone;
2. Consider being a guest speaker for calling people back to the Quran and GOD Alone;
3. Consider allowing Free-Minds to be legally represented in Jordan and have a presence in your country.

We would also be interested to know if your husband, the King of Jordan, shares your views on accepting the Quran Only as a source of guidance and whether he is willing to share in such activities?.

Once again, we in this gathering believe you have been truly blessed by the Lord to see what is right and know the need to do something about it in our borrowed time on Earth!.


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