Stop the Plan to Slaughter Wolves

Wolves nationwide urgently need your help. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is poised to remove protections for these important and majestic animals in most of the lower 48 states, according to a new proposal from the Obama administration.

Since 1973 wolves have been protected under the Endangered Species Act. In the past two years, protections have been removed for wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains and western Great Lakes. States in these regions have instituted aggressive hunting and trapping seasons resulting in more than 1,600 wolf deaths.

Despite the horror that state management has been, the Service has now proposed removing wolf protections in the remainder of the lower 48 states. The plan abandons wolf recovery in the Pacific Northwest, southern Rocky Mountains, Northeast, California and other areas where there is space for wolves.

Please ask Fish and Wildlife to reject this highly destructive, premature plan abandoning wolves across the American landscape.
Dear [Decision maker],

I am writing to express my concern over the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to remove protections for wolves across most of the lower 48 states. This move will open the door to rampant wolf killing and mark an end of further recovery for these magnificent creatures.

[Your comment will be added here]

The recovery of wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains and western Great Lakes has seen tremendous success. The job of recovery, however, is not done -- removal of Endangered Species Act protections in these two regions has exposed wolves to inconsistent and unwieldy state management. State programs seek to drastically reduce wolf populations, which has resulted in a wholesale wolf slaughter -- to the horror of conservationists, animal lovers and ordinary citizens across the country.

Wolves are loved by many for their close family ties, beauty and spirit. It is deeply sad to see so many wolves die in what are too often gruesome circumstances.

Scientists have identified suitable habitat for wolves in the southern Rocky Mountains, Pacific Northwest, Northeast and elsewhere. The people and ecosystems of these regions would benefit from wolves, who will not survive here if the pending decision is finalized. I strongly oppose the proposal to remove protections for wolves in these and other areas.

Please do not give up on wolf recovery in such an early state of success -- don't remove Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in the lower 48 states.


[Your name]
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