Sen. Sherrod Brown, please reconsider your endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Please support Sen. Bernie Sanders for President

I think we should petition Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. He is a progressive. I was disappointed and quite surprised he endorsed Hillary Clinton two weeks ago. I think we can change his mind. Feel the Bern...this is the political revolution !!

Sen. Brown,

I have great respect for the issues for which you stand. You were a breath of fresh air fighting hard for the middle class, the working poor, the poor. I do not understand why you would not support Sen. Bernie Sanders. I would expect you to agree with the clear message Bernie is articulating . Please stand up and be counted during this Political Revolution.....taking back our Democracy from the Oligarchy...from the hard reality of a seriously out of balanced Capital System. Join your former Ohio Delegation member, Nina Turner, and change your mind on your Hillary Clinton endorsement .....and endorse the true Progressive for President of the United States, BERNIE SANDERS.
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