President Bush: Save Whole Pacific Ocean Ecosystems Today!

President Bush recently directed his administration to consider creating the largest protected area on Earth by assessing a number of large, ecologically important ocean areas in the tropical Pacific for potential protection as marine national monuments.

But there is real concern that mounting pressure from special interest industries and their allies in government could sabotage this effort. They are actively working to promote "multiple use practices" like seabed mining, removal of corals and massive commercial fishing, harming native species and delicate ecosystems!

We desperately need to permanently protect our Pacific island ecosystems as havens for coral reefs, turtles, marine mammals, fish and seabirds in the Pacific Ocean. These islands are among the most intact natural coral reef ecosystems left in the world. Sign the petition to President Bush before October 26th and show support for granting full protection to these ocean treasures!

Dear President Bush,

I write to support the creation of fully protected marine national monuments in U.S.-controlled islands waters in the Pacific. The islands and surrounding waters must receive full protection in order to effectively protect coral reefs and the variety of marine animals that rely on them for survival.

Our nation can lead the world in recognizing the importance of our oceans and the uniqueness of America's natural beauty. I sincerely urge you to grant these remarkable places full protection - not status quo "multiple use" management - and thank you for your ocean conservation efforts.

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