Kūʻē Petition of 2014: Never Forget September 11,1897

  • by: Ola `ana
  • recipient: President Obama, Governor Abercrombie,OHA and the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission

Aloha to all -

On September 11, 1897, over 30,000 of our Kupuna signed the Palapala Ho'opi'i Ku'e Ho'ohui'aina also known as the Ku'e Petition Against Annexation. Our Kupuna stood firm against the illegal occupation of the United States...but of course, even their voices fell on deaf ears and our identity and lands were stripped from us.

Now we inherited this responsibility from our Kupuna, a responsibility that has been silent for 117 years of illegal occupation until now. The 2014 Ku`e Petition is the extension of the September 11, 1897 Petition. We are now adding our names to the Petition, the names of today's descendants of those who signed the 1897 petition in remembrance and honor of our Kupuna and those who support the Kanaka Maoli people.

Native Hawaiians ARE NOT American Indians nor are we Native to America. We are Kanaka Maoli! Kanaka Maoli is the true definition of who are people really are given to us by King Kamehameha III in 1846. According to United States law in pertinent part, the term, "Native Hawaiian" means any individual who is - (A) a citizen of the United States...20 USC 7912 1(A) : The United States defines the term "Native Hawaiians" means any individual who is a citizen of the United States; and another U.S. Law defines "Native Hawaiians as a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Hawaii, but, Kānaka Maoli is a classification defined IN LAW by His Majesty King Kamehameha III AND the House of Nobles and Representatives of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1846. The term "Kānaka Maoli" as used to define our race can be found in Hawaiian Kingdom Law of 1846, Mokuna 5, Haawina 1, Pauku 1; 

According to OHA's Facebook page and Newspaper ads, they claim three things, "Independence, Restoration and International Recognition", all of which are completely false. OHA is a State Agency of the State of Hawai`i created by the 1978 Con-con. They are not independent from the State of Hawai`i Government, OHA is in fact a Government Agency of the State. Also, what OHA did not tell you is that this so-called Nation would be under the LAWS of the United States Department of Interior / Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Did you know, that all of our Kupuna who originally signed the 1897 Kūʻē Petition against annexation have been added to the Kana`iolowalu registry? Even Queen Lili'uokalani and Sanford B. Dole's name is on the Kana`iolowalu registry....WHAT? Truth is, yes their names are in fact on this new registry... OHA has disgraced our Kupuna by adding their names to Kana`iolowalu in an attempt to create their Nation...a Nation under the LAWS of the United States Department of Interior / Bureau of Indian Affairs..... It is time to wake up Kanaka!

Again, the choice is yours....make a choice below and determine who you are...are you a Native Hawaiian pursuant to 20 USC 7912 1(A) : The United States defines the term "Native Hawaiians" means any individual who is a citizen of the United States; OR are you a Kanaka Maoli pursuant to Hawaiian Kingdom Law of 1846, Mokuna 5, Haawina 1, Pauku 1?

Sign the Kūʻē Petition of 2014! Let September 11th be our day of remembrance when our Kupuna stood firm and said "No" to the United States. Let the new generation of Kanaka Maoli and people of all ethnic backgrounds names who sign this petition be added to our Kupuna's! Never Forget! Respect our Kupuna who paved the way for us to extend this petition for 117 years of illegal occupation...let all descendants of our Kupuna who signed the 1897 Petition sign the extended petition of 2014...and let September 11th be OUR DAY OF REMEMBRANCE of our Kupuna.....September 11, 1897 NEVER FORGET!!!


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