Tell Your Legislators: No Attacks On Our Communities

We have been facing an unprecedented onslaught of bills targeting LGBTQ+ people in state legislatures across the country — and the attacks on equality are just getting worse. The likes of Ron Desantis, Kristi Noem, and Gregg Abbot won't stop util we are erased.  We need your help to ensure we can fight back against every anti-LGBTQ+ piece of legislation that comes our way this year.

Sign this petition calling on elected officials to oppose any anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that may come their way this year. We are fighting over 500+ anti-LGBTQ+ bills across the country.

Do you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ Community?  Are you concerened about the relentless attacks on our civil rights by right wing politicians who's focus is to make us disappear?  Now you can do something about it!  Show Up With Pride this summer and together fight back with the nation's largest civil rights organization fighting for queer rights. Join us!

I am calling on elected officials to oppose any and all anti-LGBTQ+ legislation this year.

LGBTQ+ people have been facing an unprecedented onslaught of bills targeting us in state legislatures across the country — and the attacks on equality are just getting worse. Whether it's access to healthcare, equality in the workplace, or the right to a safe and productive school environment, LGBTQ+ people deserve dignity, respect, and equality.

I oppose any bills attacking the LGBTQ+ community this year and call on all legislators to please fight for equality and oppose anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.

[Your comment here]


[Your name here]

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