Women's Health Isn't a Political Football!

The Susan G. Komen Foundation's recent decision to politicize women's health -- withdrawing funding from Planned Parenthood and then halfheartedly revising that decision -- is infuriating.

But this isn't the first time women's health has been treated like a political football and, unfortunately, it won't be the last.

Millions of underserved women rely on cancer screenings at clinics across the country, and playing politics with their health can't be tolerated. Breast cancer doesn't care what your political beliefs are. All women need easy and affordable access to health services.

As we honor World Cancer Day on February 4, let the Komen Foundation know that we expect them to put women's health first -- now and in the future.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to tell you that I was extremely saddened and disappointed by your recent decision to put politics above women's health and defund breast cancer screenings offered by Planned Parenthood. While I thank you for responding to this immediate public concern, I hope you place women's health first in the future.

As you already know so well, breast cancer doesn't care what your political beliefs are. We must all work together to ensure that women have easy, affordable access to health services.

Please make sure that the Susan G. Komen Foundation remembers to put women's health above politics -- now and in the future.
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