Fire Congress! Set Term Limits

We, the undersigned, call upon the United States Congress to amend the United States Constitution to set all Congressional Terms to six-years and limit the number of terms of service to one.

Dear United States Congressmen,

We, the undersigned, call upon the U.S Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution to set all Congressional terms to six-years and limit the number of terms of service to one.

The same reason and logic apply as when congress rightfully set term limits on the presidency.

Thank-you for your action,

Update #14 years ago
Sadly, after 10 years, the petition is still not gaining a lot of support. I think we need some influencer's and promoters to step up. I think everyone agrees that just about every problem we see today can be traced back to Congress but, they are still worried they will lose their vote, rather than gain it. Keep On Keeping On!

Thank you for all you do,

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