Tell New Jersey to Stop CORRUPT Bear Hunt


New Jersey's first bear hunt in five years will be taking place December 6-11, and the sale of up to 10,000 hunting permits depite that there has never been a single confirmed death or case of serious injury caused by black bears in New Jersey.

The NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife fabricated the number of complaints against NJ's bears in order to provide a reason for the forthcoming bear hunt. Thanks to the investigative work by Rutgers University Professor Dr. Edward Tavss, who spent countless hours pouring over state records, it is now fact that bear complaints have declined, not risen. Stop this corrupt bear hunt before it begins and look for more effective, humane solutions instead. Relocate the bear, instead of having it murdered, and preserve bear habitat.

Governor Chris Christie

Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
Fax# 609 292 3454
Phone# 609-292-6000


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