Too much money? Let's kill some wildlife.......impala, african buffalo, but most of all a big bull elephant, a dream that had to come through. His dream came through, sadly enough for the majestic animal.
Last week a program was broadcast on Belgian tv about this monster, every step was filmed. Many elephants crossed his path but none of them were good enough : not big enough, only one tusk..... Because he had to wait several days before he saw his prime target, he killed an impala and african buffalo out of boredom!!!!!
Sickening it was when he finally saw a big bull elephant, this animal was shot 5 times from a very short distance, the wounded animal fled. Then again 3 more bullets fired at him, still the poor animal wasn't dead. With AGAIN 3 more gunshots the animal fell to the ground.
This animal suffered big time.
This sick 'entertainment' for the rich has to be stopped. So i'm begging you to sign the petition.
Very disturbing that in Belgium this kind of 'entertainment' is blooming.
Killing of wild life costs you :
Impala 250 euro cheetah 2250 euro
ostrich 250 euro leopard 2500 euro
Zebra 60 euro hippo 5000 euro
Kudu 750 euro buffalo 6500 euro
Hyena 1000 euro elephant 10,000 euro
Giraf 1200 euro rhino 12,750 euro
elk 2000 euro lion 15,000 euro
croc 2250 euro
Where are the 'terms' when an innocent animal has to suffer when a shit for brains person has to put 11 bullets in that animals body before it dies!!! These 'would be' hunters should be prosecuted!!!!