The FBI Must Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh

  • by:
  • recipient: Christopher Wray, Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)

In a move that sheds considerable light on the character and judgment of President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, THREE women have now come forth accusing Brett Kavanaugh of serious acts of sexual assault and misconduct.

The first accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, is set to testify to the Senate Committee about Kavanaugh sexually assaulting her when they were in their teens. Ford, now a professor at Palo Alto University in California, had the sickening details recounted in an article published in the Washington Post, as well as a letter sent to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), which was later forwarded to the FBI.

Since then, two more women have come forward to recount serious incidents of Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct and yet, in a stunning abdication of its responsibility to the American public, the FBI has indicated that it will not investigate this very serious matter.

Sign the petition calling on the FBI to investigate these serious accusations! 

As Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) told CBS, "The FBI should be compelled to do its job in terms of completing their background investigation, and that's not being done. And the White House is not directing it, the Department of Justice is not directing it."

Tell the FBI to rise above the political expediency of Trump's Republican Party and investigate the disturbing criminal allegations against Judge Kavanaugh before he secures a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.

If these allegations against Kavanaugh are indeed true — as Dr. Ford's polygraph test and corroborating therapist notes from years ago suggest — then it would be an absolute tragedy to even consider confirming this SCOTUS nominee. The American people deserve to know just who this man — poised for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court — truly is.

While President Trump may view the Justice Department as a tool for his own personal advancement, its true purpose is to serve the American people. As such, it should direct the FBI to investigate Dr. Ford's allegations without delay and make clear that Brett Kavanaugh is not above the law.

We, the undersigned, call on the FBI to open an investigation into the alleged sexual assault of Christine Blasey Ford and others by Brett Kavanaugh. The American people deserve to know the truth, and these women deserve justice.

Update #15 years ago
Yesterday, people all over this country heard the raw, heartbreaking testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - and then the unhinged, erratic testimony of Brett Kavanaugh. Yet Republicans are still planning to push Kavanaugh through & vote for him.

That's why **TODAY WE ARE PROTESTING** at 12 noon local, all across the nation. Join at the Senate office nearest you, or call your Senator:
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