One of the internet's biggest bullies has been given a $250,000 book deal to spew his hate. Let's tell the world we company we don't want to hear from him.
Sign if you want the New York Times and Washington Post to stop reviewing any books published by Simon and Schuster to show them hate speech will not be tolerated in this country.Publishing companies and books rely on the press in newspaper book reviews and lists to be successful. We need to band together and tell two of our biggest national papers to boycott any free press for this publisher. The Chicago Tribune has already promised not to review anything from Simon and Schuster for a year after the announcement of this awful book.
Twitter kicked Milo Yiannopoulos off after he
attacked and sicced other internet trolls on Leslie Jones a few months ago. Leslie was inundated with sexist and racist speech as well as physical threats of violence and hate.
He is also responsible for such disgusting pieces on Breitbart news as "Science Proves It: Fat Shaming Works" and "Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy". He is a chauvinist and a racist and as a society, we need to shut that hate speech down.
The book is set to come out in March of 2017 so we need to speak up now. The book, Dangerous, will be about "free speech", which in his case is actually hate speech. He even describes himself as "the most fabulous super-villain on the internet".Sign to tell the New York Times and The Washington Post to promise not to review anything they publish.