Demand Congress stop Clarence Thomas’ attack on Black students!

In a stunning decision, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the rest of his far-right-wing pals put an end to affirmative action, the critically important college admissions rules that helped ensure that Black and Asian students had an equal opportunity to get a good education.

Clarence Thomas himself would never have had the career he had if it weren't for affirmative action — but he hates it, wrongly choosing to see it as something that tarnishes his own achievements instead of having helped him overcome the deep-rooted prejudice and discrimination that runs through American institutions.

Demand Congress pass a national affirmative action law!

Unfortunately for the BIPOC students of America, Clarence Thomas seems to have decided "I got mine, so screw everyone else" and helped kill the affirmative action program with the white nationalist judges on the court who are eager to see less brown faces at their alma maters.

We need Congress to pass a national law enshrining affirmative action for every school in the country and make sure that racist college boards don't keep people of color from getting the education they deserve!

Demand Congress stop Clarence Thomas' attack on Black students!

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