Help END the #1 genetic killer of young children!

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is the #1 genetic killer of infants and young children, and 1 in 40 people unknowingly carries the gene responsible for SMA.
SMA is degenerative and terminal, impacting the ability to walk, sit, stand, eat, breathe, and swallow. SMA does not impact the mind though, and children with SMA remain bright and curious. There is NO treatment and NO cure for SMA. But there is HOPE!
The NIH has selected SMA as the disease closest to treatment, and leading researchers have stated a viable treatment is possible within 5 years -- if provided the adequate resources. SMA is considered a "model" disease already benefiting research into dozens of other diseases. is a grassroots effort started by Bill and Victoria Strong, whose daughter Gwendolyn has SMA. This petition is in support of the SMA Treatement Acceleration Act, which was initially introduced in Congress in 2007 and was reintroduced in 2009. The passage of this legislation will help researchers cross the finish line and END SMA, while providing groundbreaking data for SMA and other disorders.
Please sign the petition today. To learn more about SMA and Gwendolyn's journey visit: and
Dear Representative:
We the undersigned, are writing to urge you to support S. 1158 and HR. 2149, the SMA Treatment Acceleration Act to help find a treatment and cure for SMA -- Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
SMA kills more children than any other inherited disease. It is degenerative, terminal, and cruel.
To support the scientific community working to find a cure for SMA, the SMA community has united to introduce the SMA Treatment Acceleration Act. Passage of this landmark legislation will enable scientists to mount national clinical trials that will lead to treatments and/or cures for this horrible disease. Further, as researchers make progress unlocking a cure for SMA, their work is also making strides toward understanding and possibly curing a number of other conditions including ALS/Lou Gehrig's, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and many more.
With your help there is real hope in finding a cure for SMA, the #1 genetic killer of infants and young children. Please support the SMA Treatment Acceleration Act, S. 1158/HR. 2149.
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