Demand a National Search for the Office of President of Kennesaw State University

Reports have come out that Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens will be appointed the new president of Kennesaw State University, one of Georgia's biggest and fastest growing universities. Olens is known for waging legal battles against the LGBTQ community in Georgia, including LGBTQ students.

Olens has previously mocked those who argued for marriage equality within the state, arguing that his view of so-called "traditional" marriage "was an accepted truth for almost everyone who ever lived, in any society in which marriage existed.” 

Olens called the Obama administration’s direction that public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity unconstitutional and a “legally unsound mandate.”

Hiring Sam Olens as the new KSU President is one huge step backwards for the university. 

The school has become increasingly accepting of LGBTQ students. As one alum and one current student of KSU who are part of the queer community, we worry that appointing Olens as university president will have a long-lasting, detrimental effect on the academic experience of KSU's queer student body - and the community as a whole.

Sign this petition and urge the GA Board of Regents/University System of Georgia to not appoint Sam Olens as KSU's next president.

Reports have come out that Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens will be appointed the new president of Kennesaw State University, one of Georgia's biggest and fastest growing universities. Olens is known for waging legal battles against the LGBTQ community in Georgia, including LGBTQ students. 

Olens has previously mocked those who argued for marriage equality within the state, arguing that his view of so-called "traditional" marriage "was an accepted truth for almost everyone who ever lived, in any society in which marriage existed.” 

Olens called the Obama administration’s direction that public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity unconstitutional and a “legally unsound mandate.”

Hiring Sam Olens as the new KSU President is one huge step backwards for the university. 

The school has become increasingly accepting of LGBTQ students. As one alum and one current student of KSU who are part of the queer community, we worry that appointing Olens as university president will have a long-lasting, detrimental effect on the academic experience of KSU's queer student body - and the community as a whole.

Sign this petition and urge the GA Board of Regents/Georgia University System to not appoint Sam Olens as KSU's next president.

Update #18 years ago
Hello! Thank you all for your support in the petition to keep Sam Olens out and keep KSU safe for LGBTQ students.

We are shifting the focus of this petition to focus more on demanding a national search, in order to team up with many faculty and staff members on campus.

Again, thank you so much for signing and please consider sharing the petition with your friends.
Your support is amazing and frankly overwhelming. I never expected this to blow up the way it has.
-Lane Hunter
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